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Effects of Organic Solvent Gas Recovery: Cost Reduction in Company B's Connector Terminal Cleaning Process (Bangkok, Thailand)

Technology / product information

Company B Case Study: Highly efficient S-series equipment dramatically reduces solvent usage costs and reduces environmental impact.

[Company B: Electrical parts manufacturing]
Product name: REARTH ®S series
Industry: Electronic parts manufacturing
Emission facility: Surface treatment tank (hoop-type sealing treatment)
Target VOC gas: 1-bromopropane (nPB)
Emission status: Emission from local exhaust in drying tank
Usage before countermeasures: 1.6t/month (air emissions 1.5t/month)
Operating hours: 24 hours/30 days/month
Purpose of countermeasures: Cost reduction and emission reduction by reducing consumption (environmental response)
Results of countermeasures: Usage before countermeasures: 1.6t/month, solvent purchase cost: ¥2,240,000
↓Successfully reduced by 66% [Cost benefit of ¥1,470,000/month]
Usage after countermeasures: 0.55t/month, solvent purchase cost: ¥770,000

Company B uses 1-bromopropane (nPB) in the cleaning process of connector terminals, which is essential for electrical parts manufacturing. The challenge was to reduce the cost of this organic solvent gas and the environmental impact. As a result of introducing the S series organic solvent gas recovery equipment, monthly solvent usage was significantly reduced from 1.6 tons to 0.55 tons, and purchase costs were significantly reduced from 2.24 million yen to 770,000 yen, achieving a 66% cost reduction.

■ Features
・ Significant reduction in usage: Monthly usage of 1.6 tons reduced to 0.55 tons.
・ Economic benefits: Monthly purchase costs reduced from 2.24 million yen to 770,000 yen.
・ Environmental friendliness: Efficient recovery of organic solvent gas reduces environmental impact.

■ Specifications
・ Target solvent: 1-bromopropane (nPB).
・ Target process: Cleaning of connector terminals.
・ Equipment model number: Organic solvent gas recovery equipment S series.

Company B's implementation case proves the effectiveness of the S series equipment, which produces excellent results in both cost and environment. This shows the possibility of simultaneously promoting economical production activities and environmental considerations within the industry.



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