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Automatic solvent regeneration equipment of “Morikawa Co., Ltd.” working together with SDGs (Bangkok, Thailand)

Technology / product information

Morikawa's SDGs

■ Quality education for all (SDG Goal 4)
[Provide inclusive and equitable quality education for all and promote lifelong learning opportunities]
Implement employee education (through the web) (4.4)
Sponsor related projects at nearby elementary and junior high schools (4.1)
Continue to support NPOs in Nagano Prefecture (4.5)
Support educational projects for children involving employees

■ Decent work and economic growth (SDG Goal 8)
[Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all]
Job creation through launch of new businesses (services) (8.5)
Initiatives for equal pay for equal work (8.5)

■ Build infrastructure for industry and innovation (SDG Goal 9)
[Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and expand technological innovation]
Expand Morikawa's environmental business overseas (9.4)

■ Create sustainable urban areas (SDGs Goal 11)
[Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable]
Continued cooperation with disaster response facilities in Chikuma City, Nagano Prefecture (11.5)
Sponsorship of Chikuma City Living Guidebook (11.3)

■ Responsible Consumption and Production (SDGs Goal 12)
[Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns]
Expansion of valve business (12.4)
Expansion of environmental business (12.4)

■ Take concrete measures against climate change (SDGs Goal 13)
[Take urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects]
Continued cooperation with disaster response facilities in Chikuma City, Nagano Prefecture (13.1)
Expansion of valve business (13.3)
Expansion of environmental business (13.3)



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