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Exhibited at METALEX 2023 in Thailand!


In 2023, Bunri participated in the METALEX exhibition held in the Kingdom of Thailand. Here's a report on how it went!

What is METALEX?
METALEX is an annual exhibition of metalworking machinery and equipment held in Thailand. It is the largest exhibition in ASEAN, attracting companies and visitors from around the world. The event took place in November 2023 at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC), and this was Bunri's first time participating. Over 700 companies from 15 countries exhibited, and the event saw approximately 98,000 visitors over four days, creating a vibrant atmosphere.

METALEX Exclusive Design!
For this event, a new exhibition team was formed through internal recruitment. The entire booth design and the flyers distributed on the day were all designed in English, and the machines on display featured a METALEX-exclusive design (color).

On the day of the event, our team actively approached visitors passing by the booth to introduce the company and promote our products. The Japanese members and Thai office staff worked together to communicate in both Thai and English.

As this was our first overseas exhibition, we were initially unfamiliar with the environment, but when we tried speaking Thai, such as “Hello, this is a filtration system,” it naturally brought smiles and often made people stop by. This allowed us to effectively promote our products to a wide range of customers, from those familiar with our products to those who were not.

As a result of our efforts over the four days, we received requests for visits and specific consultations.

Appealing to Customers Worldwide, Whether in Japan or Overseas!

The four-day METALEX event was filled with energy, both in our booth and throughout the venue. Although there are many online tools available today to connect with overseas, opportunities to promote our products in person, like this, are invaluable.

In the future, we expect more opportunities to participate in large-scale exhibitions overseas. We will continue to work as a team to deliver Bunri products to customers around the world, whether in Japan or abroad!



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