Technology / product information Processing categories

Ideal Wooden Crates for Large Item Packaging: Easy On-Site Processing and Disassembly

Technology / product information

Efficiently package large materials with wooden crates. Easy to process and dismantle upon receipt, and suitable for fumigation during export.

Wooden crates are specifically designed for packaging large materials and items. Their robustness and ease of processing make them highly valued across various industries. They are easy to process and dismantle on-site, allowing customers to quickly start using them without extra hassle. Additionally, they are compatible with fumigation required for exports, ensuring smooth compliance.

■ Features

Ease of On-Site Processing: The crates can be easily processed and dismantled after receipt, saving time and effort.
Customizable: Can be manufactured in original sizes tailored to customer needs.
Fumigation Compatibility: Wooden crates for export can undergo fumigation to meet international safety standards for transport.
Versatility: Suitable for transporting a range of items from heavy machinery to artwork.

■ Specifications

Material: Made from high-quality wood
Size: Customizable
Load Capacity: Adjustable depending on the product
Applications: Transportation of industrial machinery, artwork, and other large items

■ Uses

Wooden crates are particularly suitable for transporting large and heavy materials or items. They are used for a wide range of applications, from safely transporting industrial products to carrying artworks and exhibition items.

Wooden crates provide an efficient and safe packaging solution, essential for any business dealing with large items.



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