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[KMC Springs] Torsion Springs: Designed for Precision Operation and Durability (Korat, Thailand)

Technology / product information

KMC torsion springs are ideal for applications that require precise force control. These springs work by twisting in the direction of the force application, precisely controlling the movement of various machines. They are made of highly durable materials, and are characterized by little performance degradation even after long-term use.

■ Features
・Precise force control: Fine adjustments are possible, achieving high-precision operation.
・High durability: Made of materials that can withstand repeated use, providing long-term durability.
・Wide range of applications: Suitable for a wide range of applications, including automobile clutches and home appliance switches.

■ Specifications
・Material: High-quality alloy
・Design: Custom designs available
・Applications: Automotive, home appliances, industrial machinery, etc.

KMC torsion springs are trusted in a wide range of fields for their high precision and durability.

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