Technology / product information

Hashimoto brush : TSUBACO KTE Thailand

Technology / product information

Hashimoto brushes are designed for a wide range of applications, from food and hygiene to cleaning metal workpieces and caring for agricultural equipment. Developed using proprietary technology, these brushes solve specific problems faced by each industry.

Screw brush: Ideal for cleaning inside pipes and effective for cleaning narrow spaces and complex shapes.
Press brush: Used for deburring surfaces and removing rust, and also suitable for mass production.
Chanel brush: Can be customized and used for cleaning food processing and precision cleaning of machine parts.
Plantation Brush: A custom brush designed to facilitate cleaning tasks in the agricultural field.

Screw brush: Strong structure with multiple core wires.
Press brush: Standard size suitable for low-cost, high-speed work.
Channel brush: Flexible design allows for various shapes.
Plantation Brush: Customizable shape suitable for cleaning food processing and machine parts.

These brushes contribute to the efficiency of cleaning and processing operations in their respective industries, contributing to improved productivity for users.



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