Minimizing aisle width in warehouses with VNA forklifts

Product Info

At A.N.I. LOGISTICS, our warehouses utilize Very Narrow Aisle (VNA) forklifts along with a specialized narrow-aisle rack system to maximize storage space efficiency. Compared to traditional forklift systems, VNA forklifts offer minimal aisle width while maintaining high load capacity and lifting functionality. This enables the safe and efficient storage of a larger volume of cargo. This system helps address storage space limitations and reduces logistics costs in Thailand.

■ Key Features
A.N.I. LOGISTICS' VNA forklift and narrow-aisle rack system offer the following features:
Reduced Aisle Width to 1.6 Meters: This significantly saves space, enhancing storage efficiency compared to standard 5-meter aisle widths.
High Lifting Capacity: Capable of lifting cargo up to 11 meters, effectively utilizing vertical space as well.
1.5-Ton Load Capacity: Supports various weights and large cargo, catering to diverse storage needs.
Safe and Smooth Operation: The design allows stable operation within narrow aisles, balancing safety and operational efficiency.

■ Specifications
VNA Forklift
Max Load Capacity: 1.5 tons
Max Lifting Height: 11 meters
Load Capacity at 9 Meters: 1,100 kg
Reduced Aisle Width
Aisle width reduced from the standard 5 meters to 1.6 meters with this system
Supported Pallet Size
Dimensions: Length 1,250 mm, Width 1,250 mm, Height 2,500 mm (other pallet sizes supported)
Weight: 1,015 kg (including pallet weight)

■ Applications
Efficient Short-Term Storage and Shipment Preparation for Parts and Products
Optimal Space Utilization in Inventory Management for Manufacturing and Distribution Industries
Secure and Efficient Storage for Products Requiring Long-Term Storage or Specialized Handling

A.N.I. LOGISTICS' warehouse solutions with VNA forklifts and narrow-aisle rack systems contribute to enhanced storage efficiency in Thailand.

■ For more details, please download the PDF or contact us.


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